sábado, junho 24, 2006

"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time", Mark Haddon

Mr. Jeavons Said That I Was A Very Clever Boy

Mr. Jeavons, the psychologist at the school, once asked me why 4 red cars in a row made it a Good Day, and 3 red cars in a row made it a Quite Good Day, and 5 red cars in a row made it a Super Good Day, and why 4 yellow cars in a row made it a Black Day, which is a day when I don't speak to anyone and sit on my own reading books and don't eat my lunch and Take No Risks. He said that I was clearly a very logical person, so he was surprised that I should think like this because it wasn't very logical.

I said that I liked things to be in a nice order. And one way of things being in a nice order was to be logical. Especially if those things were numbers or an argument. But there were other ways of putting things in a nice order. And that was why I had Good Days and Black Days. And I said that some people who worked in an office came out of their house in the morning and saw that the sun was shining and it made them feel happy, or they saw that it was raining and it made them feel sad, but the only difference was the weather and if they worked in an office the weather didn't have anything to do with whether they had a good day or a bad day.

I said that when Father got up in the morning he always put his trousers on before he put his socks on and it wasn't logical but he always did it that way, because he liked things in a nice order, too. Also whenever he went upstairs he went up two at a time, always starting with his right foot.

Mr. Jeavons said that I was a very clever boy.

{version orixinal extraída de aquí, versión en español deles}

Eu quixera poder colgar cartaces de Bo Día ou Mal Día, para que todos souberades a que atervos ao entrar na casa. Mais non as teño, e hai moitas cousas que fan dun día bo ou malo, e que non son o tempo nen unha oficina nen a orde á hora de vestirse ou espirse. Son cousas que, coma se fose un crío, me fan caprichoso e estúpido. Coma sempre, irremediablemente humano, pretendidamente divino

segunda-feira, junho 19, 2006

"Un de decembro", Antón Lopo

"Durmimos a noite enteira
a boca dun na boca do outro,

como troitas presas polas arganas

ao cinto dun pescador"

e despois fíxose día

segunda-feira, junho 12, 2006

"Os xustos", de Albert Camus

"Ás veces, matar por nada é non matar suficiente"

A cada instante me pregunto por que non está xustificado matar sen a escusa do odio, a política ou a relixión. Por que non matar pola simple desesperación de non-ser, de non saber, de sentirse impotente dediante dun mundo incomprensible e hipócrita. Por que non matar como saída única. Facer, por un instante, que esta burbulla que nos inventamos sexa real